Another pair of worsted socks for my aunt, done in Schaefer Lola:

A pair of RPM's for my aunt in Cherry Tree Hill, colorway "Martha's Vineyard":

The last pair of socks for my aunt, in Sea Wool (which I LOVE and will make it very painful for me to mail these off)...this is the Sedona Sock pattern:

Then I also finished the Waving Lace socks for Greg's aunt, done in Mountain Colors Bearfoot:

I managed to finish my Chevron Scarf, done in Socks That Rock (Tiger's Eye and Space Dust)...I couldn't get a picture of me actually wearing it, so you'll have to just imagine that:

Finally, I decided to knit myself a hat with the Tasmanian alpaca I received from here is Le Slouch:

I will leave you with a few pics of little people...first, trick or treating at the zoo (Ethan was a bat, Natalie was a cat):

Natalie lost her 3rd tooth this weekend:

And Ethan is still a silly goose:

P.S. I apologize for the lack of links today...if you have any questions about patterns or where to find them, just leave me a comment.
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