Friday, January 13, 2012

Still Here, 2012 version

I miss this blog. I won't say that I am resolving to blog regularly. I would love to! But then I feel pressure to do it "right," when really, what does that even mean?? I know too many people who have very widely-read blogs or are influential "leaders" in their circles, so I am sometimes inundated with how one's blog is a powerful tool and ought to be managed properly. Well guess what? I'm a stay-at-home mom with no "platform" and I don't even know if anyone drops by here anymore! So phooey on anyone who thinks I'm not doing it right. I fell for that way of thinking a few years ago, but no more. Hmph.

Sorry, I got distracted by my own self-motivational speech there for a moment. Where was I?

Oh right. The blog. I do miss it! I miss sharing my current projects and funny things my children say. I need an outlet for talking about life with diabetes. It is unlikely that my words here will ever be widely-read or influential.

But I will be here. And I will be honest. Ok, honest with some filtering, because if I had said all the things I really wanted to say over the past couple of years...well, let's just stop there, shall we?

So hello again, dear blog. Let's get reacquainted.


omly said...

Yay! You and me both, but I have some ideas to get back into blogging more regularly. Glad to see you back!