My Funky Scarf Swap package arrived yesterday and I am pleased to report that I am thrilled with what I got! My pal was
Kristin, aka BongoMama and she did very well. According to her note, she started my scarf five different times before she was satisfied (funny, that sounds awfully familiar to what I experienced with my own FSS project...). From what I can tell, she knit the scarf length-wise and put fringe on the ends. She didn't list what the yarns are, but I really like them. I rather fancy it to be sorta Death Eater Glam. (Non-HP-fans just smile and nod as that will mean nothing to you.)

Kristin also sent me a set of very cool magnets, adorable knitty notecards and best of all, my very first
Moleskine notebook! It is the 3.5x5.5" size and has "squared pages" (like graph paper) and an expandable inner pocket - perfect for a knitty notebook!

Thank you so much, Kristin!!
I have just started a Moleskine as well, though as an art journal. I admit the square ruled one tempted me a lot, but I am just so bad about keeping notes as I knit.
Are you planning new designs there or just keeping track of what you are working on and how you do it as you go?
Oh DUDE, I want a death eater scarf!! I love that :) You had a great pal!
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