First, a project that hasn't been seen for quite some time. Perhaps it was on a secret mission for Dumbledore. Here we have the Hagrid socks and as you can see, sock 2 is ready for a heel.

Pattern: Mock Croc Socks from KnitPicks
Next we have some new socks that have no name. I've found this pattern just as addicting as everyone says it is, but the yarn and I have a serious love-hate relationship. I love the colors...a LOT...but the yarn itself has a bit of stretch to it, which really messes with knowing what numbers to use with a new pattern. I have tried this yarn as a Jaywalker several times, as well as at least two other sock patterns. I know it will work fine in this pattern, but I'm just not feeling the love anymore. The yarn also has very bad pooling/swirling issues and has looked completely different in every pattern I've tried! I started this new sock and was perplexed to see it doing a stripey/swirly thing:

Pattern: Cookie's Monkey Socks
I've started a new lace project:

Pattern: Wing-of-the-Moth by Anne Hanson
I love it.
Finally, I've been thinking a lot about scrapbooking lately and last night, I found myself powerless to resist. It has been so long since I've done a page or even looked at anything scrappy that I wasn't quite sure where to start. I found myself trying to revert to old formulas and instantly feeling frustrated because it was just the same old thing. I thought to myself, "What would Rose do?," and knew she would tell me to forget about what I used to do and instead, do what I want to do. And I didn't even have to text her.

Finally, this is what happens when you turn your back during a crafty picture-taking session:

i love the yarn you chose for your moth! can't wait to see it grow . . .
Gorgeous Lace! Yummy! : )
Great socks, too.
I love the tools of your little helper. ; )
Totally no pressure, but when I saw the Blue Field socks, I immediately thought of the lake next to Hogwards. Giant squid? Grindylows?
Hagrid is the perfect name for those socks! I haven't seen that colourway before, it is very nice.
I have a small person who likes to have things in photos too!
what? Your sock is using tools??? ;-)
I scrapbook, too, but it goes in spurts. My favorite scrapbooks have been the ones of old family pictures. If the picutres are in color (or if I remember when the pictures were taken), I'm not so excited!
Yay, another Moth knitter! *squee* Lovely yarn choice! Are you knitting the shawl or the scarf?
I keep waiting to see if there will be an Amazing Lace 2007, for I've got the yarn and pattern all ready to go. If not, then it will be my next start after the Clapotis and Seraphim shawls are finished.
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