Now, instead of having the next 16 days to leisurely get ready for our trip, it seems we are also going to Missouri and California BEFORE we go to Michigan. Yikes.
The trip to Missouri is to spend a few days with Greg's parents and pick up the car we have sort of inherited. However, the trip now will serve as double-duty because we are hoping the kids can stay with them for a few days while Greg and I fly to California. Greg has a new business opportunity with two friends there, which should be great - but we need to fly out to have some meetings to get all the details hashed out. Hopefully, Greg and I will be in San Francisco for two days, then fly back to Missouri and then drive from there to Michigan the next day.
In the midst of this, I'm still trying to figure out how to pay the bills and get everything done. I'm teaching a class at the Neighborhood Knit Shop on Saturday, then I'll be at church most of the day on Sunday, Greg has a day trip to Dayton, OH on July 1 and we hope to leave for Missouri on July 2. Oh, and I'm scheduled to teach another knitting class the day after we return from Michigan.
I think I'd better buckle up. It may be a bumpy ride. If I don't post as much in the next three weeks, I hope you understand.
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